Cell Organelles and Processes - Task Cards

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Cells Task Cards covering Cell Organelles and Processes. These Think Tickets or THINKETS, are an engaging way to get your students to be critical thinkers and inquirers in their cell biology studies with questions about cell processes like photosynthesis, respiration, endocytosis, exocytosis; cell structure and function; and levels of organization.

Most of our task cards do not contain multiple choice or short answer questions. They require students to look at a topic in depth and can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 45 minutes to answer depending on the teacher's expectations.

These open-ended and inquiry based questions make for a great learning tool and help to create an engaging learning environment. Students may be asked to create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast, draw an illustration and label important parts, write a letter to a famous scientist, research a current event, or even take a stance on a controversial topic.

Print them off in full size pages or in 1/4 size cards and laminate them for multiple uses, display them on your smart board, create a menu of task cards for students to choose from, post them throughout your room as a task card scavenger hunt, there are so many ways to incorporate them in your classroom.

Thinkets can be used as:
* Centers or Stations
* Homework, Assessments
* Sponge or Warm-up
* Enrichment
* Differentiation
* Review before tests.
Imagine the many uses of Thinkets in your science classroom!

• TWENTY Thinkets in 1/4 page and full page sizes covering cell organelles and cell processes like photosynthesis, respiration, endocytosis, exocytosis; cell structure and function; and levels of organization.
• Student friendly answer sheets
• Teacher key

These thinkets are also part of our Life Science Task Card Bundle which includes 132 Thinkets that include thought provoking questions about each of the following topics -
• Scientific Method
• Cells
• Genetics
• Human Body
• Ecology AND
• 12 FREE Evolution cards
• Classification and Taxonomy Thinkets

Use this lesson on its own or GO BIG and use it with our 4-5 week Cell Organelles & Processes Bundled Unit which covers cells and cell organelles, levels of organization, and cellular processes with 170+ PowerPoint slides and 90+ handouts!


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• Intended for classroom and personal use only
• Copying for more than one teacher, classroom, department, school, or school system is prohibited.
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Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license.

Cells Think Tickets © 2012 to present Getting Nerdy ®️ All Rights Reserved

Total Pages: 28

File Size: 11 MB

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